Saturday, February 11, 2012

Review: Virtue Flash Cards

Hi all,

i have another review for you!
This one comes from We Choose Virtues! You can see their link on the right--------->

They have many wonderful products to help you instill character in your children.
The Virtue Flash Cards are great! There are twelve of them in the pack and they are made of heavy card stock. Each card has a saying on the front: "I am Honest", "I am Content", "I am Obedient" and a picture of a cartoon kid in the background. The pictures are precious! i love the illustrations! On the reverse side of the card, there is a more detailed description and a Bible verse. For example, on the card for honesty, it says "I am a truth teller". "I am NOT...a liar, a thief or a cheater, and I don't change the truth to get my way!" Great ways to think about honesty, right?!

Along with the cards, there are instructions for how to play games with them. There are three games listed, Flip, Charades, and The Race Against Time! The only thing extra needed for any of the games is a stopwatch. That's it!
The games are so fun and very easy to play! Even if you have a mixed age group, all of the kids will enjoy them. We played it with my two youngest daughters. Although Baby isn't at the reading level yet, she was able to play Charades with just a bit of instruction. Flip was easier as she just had to figure out the first letter for the virtue she was looking for. :)

At the We Choose Virtues website, you will find two very valuable freebies that will work wonderfully with your Virtue Flash Cards. One is the "Kid's Memory Verses, Bible Heroes and Truths" sheet. The other is the "Family Character Assessment" sheet. The memory verse sheet has a Bible hero or heroine or a Biblical truth,for each virtue. It also has a Bible verse listed for each. This is great for a morning devotional to start the day. We can read the story about each hero as we are working on that week's memory verse. The character assessment sheet helps each child track where they are in their character. This helps Mom and Dad know what virtues need to be worked on. Baby has a bit of a problem with honesty. She doesn't like it when anyone gets upset with her, and is prone to tell them what they want to hear, rather than what is true. We are working on that with her. Bitty is working on her attitude. She can be a bit unkind and unforgiving at times with Baby. Kindness and forgiveness are the virtues we are working on with her.

Both of my girls have been enjoying the Virtue Flash Cards. Our plan is to work on one virtue a week until we are sure that it is instilled in their character. Both the assessment and the memory verses are helping with that.

Be sure to check out all the wonderful products at We Choose Virtue. They are wonderful for helping you instill character in your child that will last.
You can visit them by clicking on my link on the right, or by clicking here:


1 comment:

  1. Hi..
    Flashcards are very helpful for getting new words.Finally saying Modern way of getting educated.

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    TOEFL listening practice
