Monday, January 9, 2012

Review: "Educate the Home Educator Crash Course"

Choosing to home educate your children can be an overwhelming experience. There are so many questions that need to be answered; What do i need to cover? How do i plan all these lessons? What do i do about grading? What about support groups? Can we afford it?
These are just some of the questions that i had when we chose to bring Lady home from the private school she was attending in fourth grade. i wish there had been such a extensive resource as this when i first started. "Educate the Home Educator, Crash Course" is subtitled with "How to Homeschool in 40 Easy Lessons". Angie McFarren, a home educating mother, and Homeschool Consultant, writes in a way that is easy to understand. She gives the reader lots of great information and includes resources too.

The "Crash Course" is just that, a crash course in everything you need to home educate your children from the beginning through high school. Angie starts the book by covering the legalities in home education. She then helps the reader determine their teaching method, and understand their child's learning style. This was a welcome help for me, as i am now educating two, very different types of learners. Angie also gives tips on how to prepare high school courses, preparing a transcript, and helping your child find the right college. i have not seen such a thorough and well written book about how to home educate. It is an invaluable tool.

This e-book has tips on saving money on curriculum, lesson planning, grading options, defining course descriptions, helpful links, field trip ideas, and much, much more.
An added bonus to "Educate the Home Educator Crash Course" is the forms that go along with it. Angie has included forms for planning your year, curriculum planning, school schedules, and more. She has included printable grocery lists, report cards, unit study planning forms and even lapbooking templates!

What is my honest opinion of this eBook? i think it is one of the best resources for home educators that i have ever read. Seriously. It was hard to keep this review short, as this book has 331 pages of very helpful ideas, tips and links! Whether you are a seasoned home educator, or just considering home education, this is the resource you need.
Right now you can order it through Angie's website:
If you decide to buy a copy, i know you will be just as delighted to have it in your library as i am.

Blessings to you all!
P.S. Make sure you sign up for Angie's free tips, emailed to your address every other week. You can sign up by visiting:

1 comment:

  1. Alycia,

    Thank you for a great review of my eBook and taking the time to read it! It was an honor to have you review it.

    Angie McFarren
